Holiday Heroes Gifting Life Skills

One of the most unusual and unique gift ideas I’ve heard about lately was a chum who’s husband has a rather whacky sense of worth.  He would often take off on his bike in the summer months out into the deep country – the more remote the better, tiny tent and minimal cooking equpment stuffed carefully into panniers.  When he married my best school chum, she took to the mad cap cycle adventures to keep up with him.  This  year for a noteable wedding anniversary, he decided to vary the excitement level and book a useful fun holiday.  So without actually checking with his dear, patient, lady wife, he booked them for 3 weeks in french hostels where they cared for homeless folk.  I have to say that my pal looked utterly crestfallen when she discovered the true plan. but it turned out to be life changing and of greater worth to them both than all the stays in top hotels could offer.